Root Chakra

Muladhara Chakra, the Root Chakra also known as the Earth Chakra, lies at the bottom of the spine. It deals with survival and security and is blocked by fear and uncertainties of the unknown. The color for this chakra is Red and the musical note is C. “LAM” is the mantra and “RA” is the sound for this Chakra.

The sense of smell is controlled by this chakra and the aromas are Cedar, Musk, Patchouli, Sandalwood and Clove. The best therapy is to get grounded, walk barefoot in nature and dance.

Daily Exercise: Puppet Stance. Stand as though you were hanging from the center of your head, body straight, bottom tucked in, and knees slightly bent. Breath in, arms up, on your toes, and connect with the stars and sky; Breath out, arms down, connecting the sky to the center of the earth.