Sacral Chakra

Water Chakra, Svadhisthana, Spleen or the Sacreal Chakra is positioned in the area between the navel and the pubic bone. It deals with satisfaction and pleasure and is blocked by cravings and guilt. It is associated with creativity, sexuality, relationship, and reproduction. The color for this chakra is Orange and the musical note is D. The mantra is “VAM” and “MA” is the sound for this Chakra.

The sense of taste is controlled by this chakras and the aromas are Musk, Ylang-ylang oil, Sandalwood, Rose and Gardenia. The best therapies are dancing, yoga and walking.

Daily Exercise: Lie down with your feet on the floor. Roll your spine high up into the air, hold with only your neck and shoulders touching, and roll slowly down. Repeat.