How to play a singing bowl

Playing a singing bowl

Sound and music are wonderful tools for relaxation and rejuvenation. It gives us a mental break and brings us to this current moment. Singing bowls are ancient tools that have been used for at least a few thousand years. Unlike music, where the mind focuses on the lyrics and cords, …

Plant and Mental Health

Plants and Mental Health

Anyone who has planted a seed and has seen the whole process from sprouting to a young plant to a bush, shrub or a tree and then has enjoyed the fruit of love and labor can tell you about the state of the mind during the process. A plant takes …



Around the world, people have observed fasting and it has a special place in many spiritual and religious events. In India and Nepal, depending on the lunar cycle – the full moon or the new moon, people observe half a day to a full day of fasting. Some observe fasting …

Emotional Health Deep Sound Meditation

Emotional Health

Once you find the best balance practices for you, you can begin to understand your emotional health and how it relates to all aspects of your life. To understand your emotions you need to know the whole you – your likes, dislikes, your triggers and fears, your needs and wants. …

Purple Flower

Food, Exercise and Rest

“We are considered alive only until we have this body”. Our bodies are the most efficient machines. Even though each body is made up of billions of unique cells and complex organs, it works in harmony and it adapts to everything we subject it to. From natural defenses against diseases …

Butter Lamps Offering

The Spirit

Spirit, Soul, Eternal light, Aatma- there are many different names to express what can be related to as our inner most source of life energy. When speaking about the soul, in the eastern tradition, the soul is described as the entity that exists within the physical body as an observer. …