What is Meditation

What is Meditation?

Any activity that helps you slow down the pace of your rapidly travelling mind and bring you to the current moment, one thought at a time can be called meditation.

When people talk about meditation, they are usually imaging a yogi or holy man, most likely with dreaded hair, sitting in a lotus position, crossed legged and even though he is physically there, mentally he is traveling in different dimensions. Yes the person is meditating but that is not the only kind of mediation.

Depending on our personal needs, there are different kinds of meditations.

If you look at your hand, it has five fingers. Each finger is unique and has a certain function. For a moment just imagine if all the fingers were the same – maybe five thumbs or five index fingers. That hand might not be as affective as a hand with five unique fingers. Similarly, depending on the level of our understandings, we are unique beings with different needs. One meditation practice might work for someone while it might not be as effective to someone else.

Different Types of Mediation Practices:

Sound Meditation

Light Meditation

Breath Meditation

Sound Meditation

Mindful Meditation

Mantra Meditation

Spiritual Meditation

Visual Meditation

Guided Meditation

Yoga Meditation

Walking, Sitting, Standing and Sleeping Meditation

So exploring yourself, you could find the meditation that works for you.